Tag: milf phone sex

Age Play With Nana

grandma phonesex camillaI hadn’t seen him since he was little. I can’t believe he came back to town for a visit and looked me up. He used to play with my boys and I years ago. Thinking back to those times and all the fun we had makes my pussy wet. Thinking about him sucking on my tits when they were still full of milk, I close my eyes and see that little boy. When I opened my eyes he was staring at me and his eyes haven’t changed at all over the years. My heart skipped a beat when he said “So you want to play?” Of course I did! I asked him if he was down for some age play. I wanted him to be the little boy I remembered. Nuzzling my tits and getting his fill of milk while his little hands were between my legs and my hands fondling his wee cock. It was obvious that this turned him on because his cock was so hard it was pushing at his pants to get out. We spent all day in role play, he the little boy enjoying my affection and me the doting mother of his friend giving him all the attention he craved. Before we knew it the sun had set and it was time for him to leave. He kissed me fondly and promised to come visit again next time he was in town, assuring me that I was still just as fucking hot as ever!

Rape phone sex fantasies with Devon

Rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies is something I never really gave much thought to until recently. My niece goes the local community college and she called me last Sunday and asked if I could meet her in town at a diner we like so she could talk to me. We agreed to meet at the diner at noon. She is a young adult but has always been shy with the guys. I arrived at the diner a few minutes early and she was already seated in a booth waiting for me. I was a little anxious about what she wanted to tell me. I was afraid it might be something she was afraid to tell her own Mom such as she was pregnant.

I was partially right. When I sat down she took in a deep breathe and said I want to talk to you about something but I don’t want you to think bad of me. I assured her that could never happen, I loved her and nothing she could say or do would ever change that. She went on the tell me she has had a crush on this guy at school for the past few months and he doesn’t seem to notice her. I told her there was nothing wrong with that and I could give her a few tips that would get his attention.

Then she told me she has been fantasizing about him raping her. She said she doesn’t understand why she has these fantasies and daydreams but told me they happen often and she said she tries to push them out of her head but she can’t. So I asked her if she has been sexually active yet with a guy outside of the family, and she told no, not not she was afraid of getting pregnant before she finishes college. It was clear to me this girl needed a good sex talk. So after we had lunch I took her back to my place, sent my little ones out to play and proceeded to talk to her about birds and bees so to speak.

I told her that her fantasies were normal. I went on to tell her that she wouldn’t get pregnant if she used protection. I explained to her that she just needed a good fuck and obviously it should be with the guy she has been daydreaming about. I told her that her rape fantasies were just that, fantasies and it just shows how much she wants this guy to kiss, lick, nibble, suck and fuck her! She needs to fuck this guys brains out. Once she does I am sure the rape fantasies will stop. But if they don’t I told her to come back and talk to me, because some people like their sex rougher than others and there’s nothing wrong with that, different stokes for different folks or so they say.

Our Rape Fantasy

mommy phonesex lillyHe should have never told me he had a rape fantasy. I have always had the same fantasy and I was so ready to play…. I had to think for a bit if I was going to include the twins in this one. And after a lot of thought I decided to have my fun first and then incorporate them later. Funny how things never seem to work out like we planned….I told him I would love to fulfill his rape fantasy and he would fulfill mine as well. But we would do this the right way. I didn’t want to know when or where it would happen. I wanted him to be disguised, either in a mask or something so that I could not recognize him. I wanted him to either break in my house or abduct me off the street during my errands and make the role play as realistic as possible. I wanted him to do what ever it was he envisioned in his fantasy to me, no limits. Also neither of us could broach the subject again until after it was done. This last rule would keep me from asking like a little one “Is it today? Is it today?” I waited almost a month, every day the anticipation building until finally I had given up thinking he had chickened out. Maybe his fantasy was just to much and he didn’t think I could handle it. But I couldn’t ask because it was one of the rules. I pretty much had put it out of my head completely. So last night at 3am when I felt the rough hand jerk me awake and looked up to see nothing but eyes and a ski mask I really was surprised.True to his word he fulfilled his fantasy. He was not gentle in any way, he slapped my face telling me to shut the fuck up, calling me a slut and a whore and telling me this was all I was good for was to be fucked and abused. I have never cum so hard in all my life as he showed me just what he had always imagined it would be like to rape a woman in his fantasy. The twins walked in sometime during the whole thing, they must have recognized his voice because they watched a lot of it. When we were done and finally looked up, there they were satisfying each other. In the end Mikey and Michelle both told me how fucking hot they thought it was and how much they enjoyed it.

Harley’s Panty Fetish

darlaHarley thinks Sherri is so fucking hot. Every time she comes to visit he tells me how he dreams of being able to wear her panties. So I decided to invite Sherri and her hot brother over for some fuck time. I told Harley he had to play quietly in his room while mommy played with Sherri and her brother. Sherri is always a hot fuck and she always tells me all about her brother and how she began fantasizing about fucking him at a young age. She tells me all about how good he is and how big his cock is and I am finally going to see if it is all true or if it is hype. We went into my room and I let her start by undressing him and sucking his dick, which true to her words was impressive. My pussy was getting wetter by the minute and it wasn’t long before I got undressed and joined in. He definitely knew what he was doing and enjoyed being in the middle of his sister and I. We were in the middle of a steamy and intense fuck session when I saw Harley out of the corner of my eye. Sherri and her brother were to engrossed in our fucking to notice as Harley crept in and grabbed Sherri’s panties off the floor, I watched him lift them to his face and gently rub them on his cheek as he took in a long breath smelling their sweetness. I made eye contact and gave him a wink and he knew he had my approval. He slid back out of the room quiet as a mouse. When we were done and getting dressed I told Sherri that Harley had slipped in and taken her panties. I explained how he had wanted her panties for so long but was afraid to ask her. She just giggled and was a great sport about it. When she saw him prancing around in nothing but her panties she told him he could keep them and he was over joyed! It was a great day!kinky phonesex sherri

Mommy Loves You

kinky phonesex lillyMommy loves sharing the twins with her special friends. But having them to myself is a treat that makes me giddy for days.
Last night we decided to play strip UNO. Of course I always make sure that I am the first one that strips. Once we are all completely naked, the rules change.
Then the winner gets to make the other two do anything they want. That is when things get interesting and the real fun begins. We played from about eight, right after dinner, till one in the morning. By that time we were all so fucking horny that we had to go to the room and finish each other off.
The twins have such a great imagination when they win and it comes to making us do things to each other. I never know what to expect from them but they also never disappoint me with their ingenuity
They are off playing with their friends and I am sitting here thinking about last night and fucking the shit out of my wet pussy.
I can’t wait till they get back home! .

She’s A Poo-Poo Pansy

hot phonesex tinkerbelleIt is time to out our Sissy again and give her a dose of humiliation and shame. She loves putting on her make up,  her frilly dresses, jewelry, earrings and wig and going out on her sissy days.
Princess Levi makes sure she is outted in public so that people laugh and point at her. They love taking pictures of her and teasing her and she deserves every single minute of it.
As superior females we must make sure she knows how pathetic she is and what a poo poo pansy she is.
She loves to be given permission By Princess Levi to rub her little winky with poo until she squirty squirts….how pitiful is our little Tinkerbelle Transvestite?
Our money pig, cross dressing fairy needs to show her appreciation for all the beautiful blogs and the deserved shame and humiliation that is bestowed upon her by this superior female or she may be outted in other, more effective ways!hot phonesex poopoo

Pain slut phone sex

Pain slut phone sexPain slut phone sex is something I have never really been interested in. I am more of the loving, nurturing kind of a Mommy. I don’t really mind that others are into it, I say whatever helps you get to that ultimate orgasm I am all for. But something happened this weekend that may have changed my mind on the whole subject. My little princess has been spending a lot of time with the little guy next door and I have never thought much of it. I thought they were just really good friends. The little neighbor guy was over playing with my little princess in her room, I thought they were playing video games or something like that.

Dinner was ready and I went in to send him home and get my little princess out of her room and to the dinner table. When I walked into her room, the door was open and they were on her bed fucking. He was fucking her quite rough and slapping her little ass saying cum bitch, cum! I was a little shocked to say the least. Not that I found my little princess fucking someone outside of the family for the first time, but how rough the little guy was being with her. I kept my calm and told her to send her friend on home and that dinner was ready.

When she got to the dinner table she was her sweet little bubbly self. As we ate our food I didn’t bring up what I had just seen as I felt I needed to talk to her alone. The thought of my little princess turning into a pain slut had me a little baffled. I really wasn’t sure how to approach the subject because I love that my little ones love sex so much and I never want to say anything to discourage that. Later that night I went into her room as she was getting ready for bed and asked her why she was letting him be so rough with her and spanking her.

Her response to me was because it feels so good Mommy, you should try it! I asked her to try to get her pleasure without the pain, she agreed to try. But I think my little princess may turn out to be a pain slut! I will have to watch this closely but I am still not sure how I feel about it because I want my little ones to enjoy their sexual experiences and I know what makes them feel good may be different from what makes me feel good. Maybe I should be more open minded and at least try it once before I approach the subject with her again.

Mother/Daughter Easter Fun

kinky phonesex dorisinezI have known for a long time that my beautiful daughter, Inez is subservient. It isn’t often that my little beauty takes charge between the sheets. She is much happier being dominated by Mommy and/or whom ever is in between us at the time.
Despite the fact that I tease her endlessly, I have to admit that it is very hot to see my beautiful daughter being dominated in bed while watching how being subservient turns her on and makes her pussy squirt cum over and over again.
I have been thinking long and hard about Easter being right around the corner and what I could put in her Easter Basket besides the usual candy and sex toy. While shopping yesterday the perfect thing for her and our sense of humor presented itself when i wasn’t even looking for it.
I was in the produce department and there in the bin of potatoes was one that looked just like a cock. As soon as I saw it I thought “Look it’s a dick-tater”. I knew it would be the perfect gag gift to put in Inez’s Easter basket and I put it in the cart.
I have it hidden in my neighbor’s refrigerator. I even printed a little card that says “Meet Your Dick-Tater”
I can’t wait to see her face and hear her laugh on Easter morning!kinky phonesex dicktator

Save A Horse Ride A Cowgirl

kinky phonesex darlaWhen I found out my niece was coming to stay with Harley and I for spring break, I felt that familiar tingle between my legs that I always get when I think of her. She has always been a lovely girl but now that she is budding into a young woman all I can think about is putting my mouth on her fresh little pussy and licking it until I am rewarded with the flow of what I hope is her first real orgasm.
When she arrived I was taken aback with how lovely she had become and I could feel the juices start to flow as I envisioned her in my bed responding to my touch. I wanted to teach her how to please me as well as wanting to please her. Looking at her sweet lips I could imagine the feel of them against mine.
I decided right then and there that this spring break would be one she would never forget. I would give her the first night to settle in but after that I would begin my quest to have her.
I never would have imagined that she was thinking the same thing.
We had a lovely dinner that night. We tucked Harley away in bed, in his favorite panties of course. I kissed her on the cheek and told her to make herself comfortable and get settled. I retired to my room, in my panties and bra, laying on my bed deep into the romance novel I was reading when I felt someone on the bed behind me.
I thought it was Harley, he often comes to my bed for cuddle time, but when I turned around there she was, in no more then a cowboy hat with a lustful grin on her lips.
The romance novel was forgotten and spring break had begun.
I will leave the heat and details of our first night together to your capable imagination.
I love being an Aunt with a hot niece and a sweet panty boy!

Naked Fun At Our Family Reunion!

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Usually I don’t like attending our family reunion’s but this years was the best. A couple of my cousins were in charge of the event and they were very secretive about the details and would not share anything with any of us. I thought it would be the same old boring meet at a nice park for a huge family picnic and then all go back to my parents home for a very boring weekend. Oh my, was I ever mistaken. They planned an entire weekend and none of it included a park or my parents house, I was so excited just to learn that much!

The family reunion weekend was finally here and we were all told to meet at my cousins house. Once there we learned she had rented a large old school bus and we all piled in having no idea where we were headed. They had covered the windows so we couldn’t see out. We were told to pack very little just spring or summer wear. We all were so curious on the drive to the location it was a continuous guessing game. Finally after a few hours in that old bus we stopped and my cousin announced we are here!

When we got out we were in front of this very hippy looking but cute hotel. As we went inside my cousins took care of the check in at the front desk. Once we all had keys and went to our rooms we couldn’t help but notice everyone was stark ass naked! Oh how exciting, they had found a nude hotel. This is going to be one fucking hot weekend and I am so excited. Then we got to our rooms and when we looked out at the view its a beach and everyone on that beach is naked! I almost creamed my panties right then and there.

We spent our family reunion weekend, naked on the beach, in the hotel, at the hotel pool, bar, everywhere we went we were all naked! I guess I don’t have to tell you as soon as the little ones and I had our morning routines and showers we were all out with the family doing our own thing, fucking, sucking, licking and cumming with everyone. It was a huge family affair that many of the other hotel guests joined in on. This was a family reunion like none other and not one of us will ever forget, how can any of us plan the next family reunion and top this one!