Tag: Cheap Phone Sex

Luvin My New Neighbor

Cougar phone sexRecently a new guy moved in down the street, I love to exercise at the gym, and job or walk around the neighborhood in the evenings. The other night on my walk I noticed a moving truck and it appeared someone was moving into the home that has been vacant for a few months now. As I passed by and noticed there were only men there and wondered about who my new neighbors would be. I waited until the next day and decided to bake one of my favorite casseroles and take it to them to welcome them to the neighborhood.

An extremely good looking man who looked to be about the same age as myself answered the door. I introduced myself and welcomed him to the neighborhood and handed him the casserole. We chatted for a few minutes then as I turned to leave he asked if I would stay and enjoy the meal with him as he lived alone and had no one to share the casserole with. I gladly accepted his invitation and went inside. As you can imagine there were boxes everywhere and we ended up eating off of paper plates and the conversation just seemed to flow so easy.

After dinner we went out to the living room and sat on his couch and began talking more and we just seemed to click. The evening turned quite romantic, we must have sat on his couch for hours just kissing, fondling and cuddling with one another. I know I am a cougar and he is my age, however like myself he keeps himself quite fit and is very good looking. It was getting very late and he offered to walk me home. On the way to my place he thanked me for such as wonderful first date and asked if he could take me out on a proper date tomorrow night. I think this has potential and could lead to something more than just a casual friend with benefits. I am looking forward to our date and hope he is a good of a lover as he is a kisser.

Erotic Vampire Fantasies

Incest phone sexI have always fantasized about the handsome leading men in the latest vampire movies, but I never thought I’d actually experience anything like that in real life.  I met this guy who was pretty pale, and his eyes were ice blue and he really looked liked he could be a leading man in one of those vampire movies. He asked me to go out with him Saturday night for dinner and a movie and said he would pick me around seven o’clock. I was ready and waiting when he came to pick me up, he took to me a very nice seafood place for dinner and then we headed to the movie.

I had no idea what the movie was until we got there, but it turned out to be a vampire movie. Watching this movie I got so scared and snuggled up to him for the entire movie. I would get so scared at times I had to bury my face in his chest so I couldn’t see what what happening. I was so glad when the movie was over and he could tell I was a little shaken by it so he took me to a bar and we had a couple of drinks to calm me down. I didn’t want to be alone just yet, so I invited him back to my place.

He ended up staying the night, we cuddled, made out on my couch for a long time then moved to my bedroom. I was still frightened and asked him to hold me tight.  He started kissing me as he pressed his cock into my leg.  I rolled over on top of him and slid my panties off.  His cock slid inside me with such force it was almost painful.  The look on his face became almost grimacing as he got more and more excited.  At the moment I was about to cum he shot his load deep inside of me and dug his nails into my back so hard I thought he was going to crush me.  When he was done his face changed back to the sweet face I met earlier that night, so we laid down and drifted off to sleep. I guess the movie had such an impact on me I had this horrible nightmare, in the nightmare my date was the vampire and was sucking all the blood out of me and I turned white as a ghost, I woke up screaming! He chuckled at me, told me I was just having a bad dream and snuggled me up tight in his arms and we both fell back to sleep. No more scary movies for me!

My Favorite Sex Toys

Incest phone sexThere are so many sex toys in the world today, some are quite unusual, and I love every one of them.  I am often asked what my favorite sex toys are.  I spend a lot of time showing people how to use them, and offering advice on which ones to start out with.  I also spend a lot of time testing them because I do enjoy staying on the cutting edge of the sex toy industry since everyone masturbates, and toys just make it more fun!  Some of the more unusual ones I have found are the pigtail butt plug, or the Mr Jack Mustache mouth masturbation device for the man who wants more hair than he knows what to do with wrapped around his cock.

The one that is the most hilarious to me is the Area 51 blow up doll. I mean WOW, seriously?  This is the most entertaining sex toy I think I have ever come across because everyone believes there is an area 51, and of course who doesn’t like a good alien fuck from time to time.   Apparently you can get duckies that vibrate and bouncy ball chairs to put you in the Hot Seat.  Then of course there are your regular dildos and vibrators if that’s more your style, so no matter your preferences there is a fun and sexy vibrators just for you!

Kinky Phone Sex

Ever Wonder What it would like to Fuck a Robot?

Cougar phone sexLast night I had the strangest dream ever! I woke up in a sweat, not sure if it was because I was scared that the dream seemed so real or if it was because I got so turned on my the whole thing. I dreamed that our community had been taken over by robots, some of these robots looked human, while others looked quite different. In my dream I got up and took a drive around town to see what was going on and to try to find someone to help. I was headed toward the local police department as I was sure they could and would help.

On the drive there I saw robots everywhere and they were all fucking each other, fucking women, both young and old. By the time I got to the police station and ran inside everyone in the station were robots too! I was so scared I wasn’t sure what to do at this point. Then one of the robots came up to me and said he should escort me home for my safety. I was so scared but really had no choice but to do as he asked. I went out and got into my car and he followed me in some sort of a robotic contraption.

Once at my house he said he needed to come inside with me to check my home to be sure all was clear and that I would be safe. He said he would stay with me until I fell asleep, I was scared, and did exactly as I was told. This robot took me to my bedroom and had me lay down, then this huge electronic penis came out of his body and he told me to stay calm it would be over in a few minutes and he assured me I would enjoy the experience. It was at this point I woke up in a sweat and ran out to the living room and looked out the window! I was so relieved to realize it was just a bad dream! I must be sexually frustrated and can’t wait for another date with my new neighbor!

Blue Roses for a Blue Lady!

Daddys girl phone sexRecently I have been seeing this guys with the most beautiful cock I have ever seen. I love to spend hours sucking on that gorgeous rock hard cock of his. Today I have been feeling kind of down because he is away on a business trip and I am wanting or maybe even needing his cock so much, its been quite sad. I’ve been talking to him on the phone and he knows I’m sad and is trying to wrap things up early so he can get home and I can suck his cock in person. Right now its phone sex which is great too but I’m so looking forward to that beautiful huge cock in my mouth.

This morning when I woke up there was a knock on the door and it was a florist with the most beautiful blue roses, the card read “Blue Roses for a Blue Lady”.  But the back of the card said your blues will be gone tonight, I’m on my way! Tonight I will be sucking the cum right out of that huge beautiful cock and then I will fuck that cock until it is raw and my pussy is full to the brim with his cum! I am one happy girl right now.

Brothers & Sisters

Incest phone sexBrothers and sisters have a special relationship, so these relationships tend to shape how we interact with others in their outside lives.  I have experienced many types of brothers and sisters in my lifetime, and I’ve noticed the ones that are close tend to have healthier marriages that those who don’t.  Of course, this is only my opinion because I haven’t yet achieved a full case study to prove this theory.  I am currently working on getting enough volunteers to help me gather data to prove my theory here.

Brothers and sisters usually have a small amount of sexual tension between them as well.  Sometimes that sexual tension is enormous, and other times it’s minimal, and sometimes it’s like when Mom and Dad are kissing – you don’t want to see it, but your happy it’s happening because Mom & Dad are happy.  I had a caller ask me if he was an awful person for taking his sisters panties and licking them then masturbating with them.  I explained my position on the matter and let him know that this is very common, and how does he know his sister doesn’t feel the same way.

Grandma phone sex

Grandma phone sexMy little ones love their grandparents, but they don’t understand that Mommy doesn’t always want them to come around.  My little one was begging for his grandma and grandpa to come over for a long time before I agreed to let him call and ask them to come over.  I know they feel the same way I do, so they aren’t looking forward to being here.  We all love the little ones so we try and be nice for them, but I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut.  I always wind up telling my mother a few things that upset her and make my dad yell at me, but I don’t really give a fuck so I will do it every time they come over I’m sure!

When my parents arrived I was already pissed off because they were late, but they think they are the only ones with a life I suppose. My Dad started in on me right away, so I took him in my room and fucked him really quick so he would shut up.  My mother went into the little ones room and read them a story, but she fell asleep in the rocking chair.  My little guy has been commenting for weeks about fucking Grandma, and I suppose he thought this was his chance because she woke up to him between her legs eating her out.  I never laughed so hard in my life, and my little guy was so proud of himself.  It’s always so stressful when my parents show up, but this time at least we had some comic relief.  I guess GILF phone sex will happen around here whether you want it to or not.


Incest phone sexSexuality can be the most complicated question we ask ourselves these days, but its not anything we should shy away from in the least.  I was asked if a guy sucks cock, does that make him gay?  I don’t think we need to put labels on anyone like that because there are too many factors to consider.  First of all, was the cock sucking a voluntary action or was it coerced?  Second, was the cock sucking the cock suckers idea, or was it thrust upon the cocksucker suddenly by the cock suckee? Third, was alcohol involved?

These are all very important things to know and consider when addressing the question of sexuality.  I don’t think any one thing makes a person gay or straight.  I am a straight woman, but I will eat pussy any day of the week.  Does that make me gay?  Does that make me not like cock too?  I don’t think so!  Cock is a very important feature for me, and I demand it, crave it and need it for all fucking adventures, but if there’s pussy there I will enjoy that too.  I don’t think we should be so quick to put labels on people.  If you like to suck cock – do it!  If you like to eat pussy – do it!  If you like to be sucked on or eaten – let it happen, there’s really no need label it.

Young voice phone sex with Victoria is Better than a Hot Work Out!

YoungYoung voice phone sex voice phone sex is one of the hottest things ever and it makes my pussy so wet to hear some young voice, on the phone, in person, wherever and whenever. After all I am a cougar and nothing gets me off more than a young one, one I can teach and mold and fuck his brains out. I Love to take a young cock and lick and suck and tease it until he unloads his wad of cum into my mouth. Then is nothing tastier than the juices from the loin of a young one.

Yesterday I was at the gym on a weekday and there were not many people there when I arrived. However I did spot a hunk of a young man working out and as soon as the place emptied out to just he and myself I went up to him and ripped his pants down and began giving his nice young hard cock the workout of its life. This young man filled my mouth with so much cum I thought I was going to choke, but I managed to swallow every last drop of his sweet cum.

I invited him over and he didn’t hesitated, once we were at my place we gave each a great workout, my pussy was so satisfied by his young hard cock! I guess that’s why when I hear a young voice my pussy instantly become all wet and juicy.

Cougar Phone Sex is an Experienced Fuck!

Cougar phone sexCougar Phone Sex for the Cougar is the hottest fucking thing ever! I think the young men enjoy it too, after all I have so much to teach them and they are like little sponges wanting to soak up all they can and gain all the tips and techniques an older woman has to offer and teach to help them become the best lovers to any woman no matter what age she is. I started by teach my own when he was coming into his manhood, and from there it has expanded to his friends, neighbors, and now pretty much any young man I meet.

After all, who better to learn from than someone with years of fucking experience. I have taught them where and how to please all women. How to pay special attention to the nipples, clit, the G spot and so much more. I have taught them all about the sex toys that work best on both men and women. There is nothing hotter or sexier than teaching a young man how to get a woman aroused and tease her to a point that drives her crazy before allowing her to explode with cum all over his nice big juicy cock. It really pleases me to see one of my young men learning and practicing on how to not only make others cum but to cum themselves so hard they almost pass out!