I just found out some horrible news my big brothers girl friend cheated on him with his so called best friend he is completely crushed and so freaking depressed ew, I want to make sure my big bro forgets about that two timing tramp he deserves better he deserves me his little sister family wont hurt you family is here to make you feel good and that is just what I had in mind making him feel good. I caught him when he was about to get dressed so he was completely nude. He asked me nicely to get out I refused of course closing and locking the door behind me I got on my knees in front of him taking his slightly erect cock in my hand giving it a few good strokes licking up the sides making sure i got him all nice and hard before giving him a mind blowing blowjob.
Tag: Cheap Phone Sex
Mommy with a Fat Bottom
Is it just me or do guys really just love my ass? I cannot go anywhere without some guy saying something about my ass! You know what I should do, I should just go completely bottomless one day everywhere! I should bend over in front of every man I can so they can just see exactly what they imagine when they see me with my clothes on. I get it, I know I have a nice ass. My ass cheeks create the perfect heart shape of what you dream about and when I am bent over and being fucked my ass cheeks pulsate like a goddess. When I am pounding up and down straddled across a mans big fuckin cock, I imagine my ass is like looking at heaven. Why do they not just ask, I will show them my puckered asshole and then they can lick it too and pay for the preview they were getting. Yeah, that is what I am gonna do, make them lick my asshole and give me a rim job when they wanna stop and stare.
Pregnant pussy Jolene
I wish someone had warned me about being pregnant. I’ve gained so much weight, my tits are so sore and heavy and they leak, the spawn won’t let me sleep and my brothers and dad won’t leave me alone. They want to fuck me more now that there is a mini me in there than they ever did when we were trying. Something about that healthy pregnant glow, that soft skin, the way that I jiggle when they fuck me now. They always want to touch me, always want to fuck me, I’m never alone and might as well never leave the bedroom. They even fought over who should get to fuck me more, declaring themselves each the father and therefore they should get to fuck me. This is crazy! I mean I love cock, but just let me nap men. It’s the last opportunity I’ll get to sleep. Sigh, they are lucky I love them and their cocks so much or I’d be upset. Which is why even though I’m angry, tired, and frustrated I still look forward to each time they fuck me.
Sex with my sister Breeding Brother
There has been a bug up my uterus. I’ve wanted it full of cum and to have a little minion put into me. If I had wanted a boyfriend or even a stranger to do it for me, it wouldn’t be a problem but I’ve been craving daddy and brother cum like nothing else. I need for that spawn to be one of theirs. So, I’ve found myself fucking each of them over and over. My pussy dripping the cum of the others, feeling our cock and pussy sticking together as the cum from all the previous sex just becomes tacky. Gluing us together as I bounce up and down on my brother’s cock. He’d already cum 3 times for me but I’ve not stopped. Assaulting him with my pussy over and over again. Him just lying on the couch with his eyes rolling into the back of his head, grimacing almost as if he was in pain, his mind broken from being forced by his little sister to cum over and over again. It just wasn’t enough though, I needed more and more cum until I knew his little swimmers took.
Sweeter than Candy
“Zita!! Come ONNNNN!! The movie is READY!”
I walked into the our room with my arms full of drinks, popcorn and candy. I almost dropped everything when I saw my sister naked and sprawled out on our bed. She smiled “Naked movie time!! Strip down little sister.” As she patted the bed. I set everything down and stripped for her and threw my panties at her face. She pulled me down on the bed and slapped my sexy ass. She kissed me deeply and we started rolling around on our bed. kissing and fondling each other. Her long fingers slid past my pussy. She started caressing my bald pussy. Spreading me open.
Teasing my clitty, making me drip. She grabbed a twizzler and pushed it into my dripping wet cunny. She started filling my tight bald cunny up with twizzlers. Making me taste even sweeter! She was filling me up with an entire bag of twizzlers!!! Pushing them in and out of me like a giant candy cock! She was sucking my sweet clitty making me cum so hard!!