You can always count on mature sexy women to take plenty of time between fuck sessions to stop and smell the roses. We know that life is short and will pass you by in an instant if you let it, so you have to let yourself enjoy the little things it has to offer. Like fragrant walks in the woods amidst the blossoming buddage and springtime splendor, or hardcore family fuck sessions that leave the whole gang covered in sticky white cum.
It was really warm the other day so I took my nasty naturalist crew out for a stroll through the trees. The birds chirped and sang joyously, serenading us with their sunny songs as we all hiked our way into the thicket, stripping out of our constrictive clothes as we traveled along. We reached a picturesque glade gloriously illuminated by beams of sunlight shooting through the puffy clouds and I was simply awestruck. Mature sexy women recognize an ideal setting for a little P fun for everyone and this clearing we happened upon provided the perfect backdrop for the tiny pussy and pecker wrecking I had in mind. I couldn’t light a porn set like that if you gave me a million dollars and all the time in the world so you bet your sweet ass I pulled out my camera to document all of the kinky crotch goblin creaming action I had planned.
I turned to give my rugrats a little direction and they were all already climb-humping a birch tree. The boys were on the lower limbs mashing the heads of their pee-pee’s against the soft, parchment-like bark while my girls cocked their legs and slid their slimy slits up and down the tender trunk. I just documented them using mother nature and each other to pleasure themselves. It was so heartwarming to see them politely offer a helping hand or hole to their other brothers or sisters whenever they needed it. They really are the best!

I was so hot and horny that the thick drops of fuck-me-now juice dripping out of my preggo pussy made a mud puddle of the dirt at my feet. My youngest daughter loves the taste of my grouper gravy and was on her knees in front of me gulping down every ounce of my do-me goo as soon as she saw I was leaking like a sieve. She followed the flowing line of cloudy pre-cream all the way up to my hungry cunt and started munching my mommy box. I shivered and shoved her tiny face deep into my life giver, being sure to get her pretty hazel eyes on camera as she slurped up all of my slop.
By the time her siblings had hopped off of their new favorite tree and joined us in the sun, my little darling had her hand all the way inside of me. She pushed in harder and harder and told everyone that she’s trying to touch her new little brother or sister growing inside of me. She doesn’t know she can’t but she sure as hell tried hard to make it happen! My whole brood took turns reaching inside of me and, once they were three paws in and going for a fourth, I collapsed on the forest floor in pure orgasmic euphoria, squirting hot cunt juice everywhere. I was in heaven!
Mature sexy women love the little things, especially the ones that come out of her body. I’ll make sure they enjoy all of what life has to offer, too.