You caller’s always request hearing about my past, watching daddy shoving drugs, goods, materials with balloons up my mommy’s pussy turned me into the fucking whore bag drug smuggling slut I am today. My tight bald, beautiful pussy gets worked every chance I get thats why I lasered all my hair off my body as instructed,.
A bald creamie, solft, cum filled cunt makes it easy to shove shit up my soaked, slick, slippery, soft, smooth pussy. I’m constantly moving drugs n shit in it so I gotta keep it clean. I love when I get to my destination, my dealer has me get on the worskshop table, open my legs real wide, buckle in my feet, put the drug weighing machine under my ass, bring all his assistants in and carefully pulls out the goodies.
Wrapped up, sealed, in balloons the men count the goods and I’m not free to go unless all is accounted for, fecal and urine matter was sucked by a worker, I could see his bulge.
I’m so stretched out, I could feel the air going in and out. Rubber gloves on their hands they feel around the inside of my tight cookie, finger’s feeling the inside walls, scooping out all the juices flowing out, tasting them, getting that coke buzz on that seeped into the skin.