Sweet Kitty Lickin’


cara&tara 8Tara told me that we should go upstairs to our bed room and play make believe as if we are two cute little kitties together. ^giggles^ So as we we running up to our bed room , we were taking off our clothes and giggling on the way. When we got to our room, we got on top of each other and started meowing. ^giggles^ But suddenly Tara’s face went right in between my legs and began licking my sweet wet kitty spot. I was just totally shocked and excited at the same time. ^giggles^ Tara said ‘It ok Cara, this is was real kitties do and you are extra dirty”( with a wink and laughing) while giving my tiny kitty a big tongue bath. ^giggles^ She felt so good that she got me and my kitty purring loudly. ^giggles^ Tara held on to me close so that way my kitty would not get away from her tongue bath from Tara. ^giggles^ Gee, I really like make believing with Tara as cute purring kitties. ^giggles^


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