Surprise Visit

hot phonesex camillaI wasn’t expecting company today so I was very surprised when I heard the door bell ring early this morning. As soon as I opened the door I started cumming all over myself! My oldest grand son doesn’t visit often now that he is off at college and I was delighted to see him! I knew he came to see me because he wanted some of Nana Camilla’s special brand of love. I made him a hearty breakfast because I knew he would need lots of energy. We spent the day in the back yard soaking in the sun and fucking like we hadn’t seen each other in years. We laughed and talked and really enjoyed the day. Before he left I went shopping for him to take something back to college and remember me by. The trip started out with something sexual in nature in mind. A nice toy he could enjoy and remember me by. But when I saw these baby doll slippers I knew they were the perfect thing! I have been begging him to find a girl and make some more little ones to carry on our family tradition of incest family fun. I bought them as soon as I saw them. He wore them once for me and it made me smile. I don’t know if he will wear them at college but every time he looks at them he will think about having some little ones and the fun he will have playing with them before he shares them with Nana Camilla!


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