Summer Family Fun

kinky phone sex heatherMy brothers and I had a day out today. They took me to the arena and we took the boat out. We went skiing and we pushed that boat to its limit speed-wise and we just floated around for a while, too. Every time I had to put sunscreen on us, I would pay extra attention to their pecks and nipples, and I even put some on their asses and cocks. After all, we can’t have the sun accidentally burning those vital areas, can we?

When they would help me with mine, topless as I was, they always slipped their hands and fingers down my string bikini bottoms and made sure my pussy and ass had adequate coverage. Needless to say, there was lots of fucking to be had today on that boat.

We caught quite a few audiences, too. Parents who quickly tried to exit the area so their little ones wouldn’t see any more than they had to. A couple of pontoons with co-eds on them, and boy did they enjoy the show. Then, it happened. A boat of 4 other guys came along and saw us. They pulled right up and requested to tie up with us, asked if they could use our sunscreen. It got down and dirty then.

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