Stranger in the Park


jenny 14Since I was Daddy’s good little girl this week, he told me that as a reward I can take my scooter to the park and play this afternoon. So when I got to the park, I was scooting around on my scooter until I hit the curb. I mean I hit that curb hard and started to cry on the grass. Out of no where, a stranger came up to me and asked me if I was alright? I cried and told him no I was not. Then he offered to take me home and some soda to drink for the ride home. I giggled and smiled as I jumped into him arms. As we were driving in the car, I drank the soda and quickly fell asleep. Next thing I remember, I woke up and was tied down to a bed. I started to scream and before I could make a sound he quickly stuffed his man meat stick in my mouth. I guess Daddy was right about stranger danger.

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