Story Time

I am getting so close now and I feel like I am glowing all the time. My breasts are aching for little lips to suck them, and even though you are doing a fantastic job of keeping them flowing, I crave the little one the same way you do. The nursery is done, and everything is in its place for the arrival. All the pink blankets and clothes and socks. Everything is so soft and supple and welcoming.

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I was sitting in the room tonight in my jammies, my giant tummy resting on the bed, and I saw the book you bought for her. Even the book was soft and sweet looking, and so I opened it up and began looking at the pages. The book had fuzzy decorations inside and I touched them, imagining what it will feel like against her skin, her naked soft skin. I pictured her sitting in your lap, her little nude body perfectly pink and soft to your touch. She would reach out to grab your lips and you will kiss her so softly all over her tiny body.

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She will learn to hold her book while you play with her the way only her daddy can. Rubbing your soft fingers down between her legs and flicking them ever so gently as she coo’s at the touch. Your erection below her will throb as you teach her well and know that one day soon she will satisfy your every desire. Your perfect little princess, created to please her perfect king. The greatest bedtime story ever told.

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