Start our own family

Family fuckingMy Brother and I have decided to start our own big loving family together and since we’re both super young it will be great to have such a head start on it all! Family fucking has always been an every day thing in our household as we have grown up over the years. It’s totally normal and second nature to wake up in the morning and have a serving of my Daddy’s big fat cock for breakfast! Thankfully, my Brother is so ready to become a dirty Dad and wants to have his own little ones running around being the little rascals that they are. We will infuse them sexually and prepare them for a life full of sexual fun & deviancy. My naughty Brother has always fucked me and our younger sister and now he is going to procreate some new offspring with me so that he can have fresh little fuck holes to play with and use at his discretion. He will be filling me up with hIs tasty cum over and over again and since I am so fertile it won’t be difficult for me to become pregnant! We are going to make our parents sooo proud, they will love to see their inbred youngsters running around playing while Mommy and Daddy are busy humping & creating more siblings for them to have!

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