Spring Break Vacation with Daddy

Kinky phone sex Jenny 10OMG! I just got home a few days ago from my Spring Break vacation with my Daddy. He took me to Cancun, Mexico. I have never been there before and I have always asked my Daddy if we could go there one day and he told me that if I was a good Daughter and got perfect grades this entire year that he would take me there. So guess who has been doing great in school?! (wink) *giggles* Yippy Skippy for me! My Daddy kept his promise and we took a plane down to Cancun, Mexico. It was so beautiful down there and there was so much to see and do. My favorite part was that My Daddy and I pretend to be married while we were out there. It was so hot at the fact that I can make out with my Daddy anywhere we went. Nobody had any idea that we were Daddy and Daughter which got me more wet in my panties. Everyone around us thought that I was some gold digger that was after his money and that he was some old pervert loving on some young girl pussy. However, as much as him and I enjoyed sight seeing there, we just could not help ourselves to having naughty Daddy/daughter sexy time all over the city. We did it in our hotel room, on the beach and even behind a bar in the alley way. I just loved the way my Daddy was getting so freaky with me while we were there. I just can’t wait to go on another family vacation real soon with my Daddy.

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