Snuff Phone Sex with Granny Samantha: Killer Boobs

snuffl phone sex mommy big titsHave you ever fantasized about killing someone? Maybe even someone in your family? Well, I have often, especially this one annoying as fuck cousin. When we were wee ones he was always teasing me about my big boobs.  Called me names; grabbed them roughly; even pulled my top up on the bus and in school. He also made fun of my height. He was  just a bully, still is. He is the reason I got made fun of for being an Amazon woman, and boys my age wanted nothing to do with me. I use to try to strap my boobs down so no one knew just how big they were. My cousin Frank called them ugly torpedoes. I use  to get upset, cry to my uncle; but now I am comfortable in my skin. I love my huge melons.  And so do my offspring and their offspring! But I still have revenge fantasies about snuffing out my cousin.

snuff phone sex big tits gilfHow do I fantasize about killing him? With the very objects of his ridicule. That’s right, in my fantasy world, I would smother him with my natural, huge  40 EE breasts. I would sneak into his bedroom one night, pull back the covers, first mock his little dick, which he did have. I saw it once when I  was ankle biker and supposedly asked why he didn’t have a pee pee like other boys. I think that is why he tortured me later in life. Okay, back to my fantasy. I would lower my breasts onto his face, pushing the nipples up into his nose, and forcing my flesh into his mouth. If he struggled much, I would put my full weight on him. I’d smother him with killer boobs until he was no longer moving.

Twisted I know. But, come on we all have revenge fantasies. And if you are gonna get whacked, wouldn’t you rather it be by a pair of killer boobs than a gun? Hell, I could smother you with my big melons or even your offspring or mine just for fun!

snuff phone sex killer boobs mommy

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