Sister Fucking Weekends I Look Forward To Every Time

sister fuckingSister fucking weekends might be my favorite kind of weekends. I love fucking my brothers. But I like messing around with my sisters too. When I was young, my sister taught me how to eat pussy. And they helped me learn to be a good incest whore for our brothers too. Now we grew up and had families of our own. But we all love to play together still. And one of my sisters came to visit me for the holiday weekend.

My boys went to see their father for the week. So, she and I got into some trouble on our own. Her son is my oldest nephew. And I fucked him before he went to visit her. So, when he got home and realized she came to see me, he turned around and came back to my place. He wanted to share his hot mom with her hot sister. And family fucking is who we are. And that means we enjoyed taking care of him together.

I am the Family Fuck Slut

Can you imagine how lucky you would have felt if you got to fuck your mom and your aunt together? I know my boys felt awful that they missed this kind of debauchery, but there will be other times throughout the summer that my sister will visit. Or maybe I will pack us all up and go to Canada for a week.  I downplayed the fun when they called and asked me what I was doing for the weekend.

I love my mother fuckers, but they alone cannot keep me sexually satisfied. As the family fuck slut, I have always required a lot of cock. And my nephew gets me. So, he invited some friends from college over. And that gave his mom and I more than one cock to fuck and suck. We had a pool party for my nephew and his friends.

My sisters and I share everything from cock to clothes. And this incest sex fueled weekend we shared several cocks and a lot of cum.

family fucking

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