Shower Time Fun

aunt phonesex maryanneAunt Mary Anne always has a house full of little ones, all shapes and sizes, all colors and creeds. They all gather here and love it! I finally had a huge shower put in my master bath. I had them take out the tub completely and the shower now looks like one out of a gym locker room. The constructions workers thought I was crazy, but they did what they were paid to do. And tonight all the little ones are here. We are playing in the yard and getting as dirty and yucky as we can because at the end of the evening, we are going to see just how many of us we can fit in that new shower. It is going to be like the clowns and the little car at the circus. We have been laughing about it the whole time we have been playing and getting dirty and it won’t be long before we put this new shower to the test! It is going to be a lathering good time while we play and bath each other!

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