She’s A Poo-Poo Pansy

hot phonesex tinkerbelleIt is time to out our Sissy again and give her a dose of humiliation and shame. She loves putting on her make up,  her frilly dresses, jewelry, earrings and wig and going out on her sissy days.
Princess Levi makes sure she is outted in public so that people laugh and point at her. They love taking pictures of her and teasing her and she deserves every single minute of it.
As superior females we must make sure she knows how pathetic she is and what a poo poo pansy she is.
She loves to be given permission By Princess Levi to rub her little winky with poo until she squirty squirts….how pitiful is our little Tinkerbelle Transvestite?
Our money pig, cross dressing fairy needs to show her appreciation for all the beautiful blogs and the deserved shame and humiliation that is bestowed upon her by this superior female or she may be outted in other, more effective ways!hot phonesex poopoo

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