Sexy Mommy Samantha Brings the Best Out of Family Cocks

sexy mommyI have felt like a sexy mommy again this week. Having my horny baby boy with me for a few weeks reminds me how much I love my mother fuckers. I love all my mother fuckers, but my youngest son just has more time for me. Mostly because he is not married and the only one of my offspring to not make me a grandma yet. Plus, he works for some hipster company that believes employees should do their work where they feel comfortable. So, he can work anywhere.

I woke up this morning still full of his cum from last night. He woke me up with breakfast in bed. And he can cook better than me. He made all my favorites and even got me a chai tea latte from Starbucks. And he remembered I only drink almond milk. After we ate, we fucked some more. I think he wants to spoil me and monopolize my fuck holes before his nephew comes home on Saturday for the summer.

A Dirty P Mommy and Granny Can Get Any Cock Hard

This sexy granny can handle a double stuffing. Their time with me will overlap only for a week. But back to my baby boy. I swear around me he seems like an endless supply of cum. According to him, I bring out the best in him. Same. My pussy floods my panties, if I am wearing any, every time he gets near me. He did not care about my creampie from last night. He ate my pussy before fucking him. And when we kissed, I could taste his cum and my cunt crème. Even 8 hours later, it still tasted great.

We fucked all over my house until I needed to get ready for incest phone sex gig. My son reminded me how great my life is. Honestly, I get to fuck all night, and masturbate and talk dirty all day. I think have a charmed life.

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