Sexy Mommy MaryAnne Teaches Oral Skills to Her Niece

sexy mommyAs a sexy mommy, I feel it is important to model good behavior for young girls. I am taking responsibility for my young niece’s sexual education as long as she is with me. My brother is being selfish with her. She is at that age that makes her super popular with men my age. She only has experience with her father. She has played with my sons and of course me, but my brother says that pussy belongs to daddy. Normally, I listen to everything my brother says, but he has only been to see her once since she came to stay with us. I understand he has a very demanding job, however, her little holes are going to age out for daddy at this rate. So, I have decided to teach her some skills that all young girls need to have like cock sucking. She has sucked her father’s cock, but my brother is an average sized man. She needs to know how to suck some big cocks. Being able to give great head is a life skill for young girls. It gets them good grades with teachers. It gets them out of trouble with the law. It gets them pretty things and money with dirty old perverts. I invited a well endowed friend over to show my niece how to suck cock. She doesn’t want to wait until daddy is home to play. She sees me fucking all the time. She wants in on the fun. She is part of the family fucking, so she should be fucking too. When my friend saw her, he almost came in his pants. She is a little doll baby. Bambi eyes and full rosy lips. Peaches and cream complexion and a bald cunnie, which she played with freely as I showed her how to give head. I may have been the one to swallow the load, but she was the one who got spoiled. He took her shopping afterward. Damn, I was never that good in my prime. I did all the work, she got all the glory. But, I am happy. Means she is a natural little princess.

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