Sexy Mommy MaryAnne Loves Bikinis and Not Just on International Bikini Day

sexy mommyThis sexy mommy just found out there is an International Bikini Day. Well, it came and went. But my sons found out about it and wanted me to submit some bikini shots for it next year. Personally, I think I am too old for a bikini contest even though I do rock a bikini. And I have over 50 bikinis in my collection. Even though I live in Michigan, and we don’t get sunshine or warm temperatures year-round, I still hoard bikinis.

I love to flaunt my body. My sons love to see me naked the most. However, they do enjoy seeing me in bikinis as a close second to being naked. We have a pool in the backyard, so sometimes I just swim naked. But sometimes I sport a bikini. My oldest son took this picture I am using on the 4th. He thinks I am a sexy mommy, the sexiest mommy. But he is biased.

He decided that he wanted to photograph me in every bikini I have so I have a portfolio for next year’s International Bikini Day. I doubt I will submit myself for a contest for the contest they have each year even though they have different age categories. I do not need to win a bikini contest to feel sexy. My sons and my family make me feel sexy every day. Just knowing that my sons thought of me on International Bikini Day made me feel sexy.

My Boys Make Me Feel Sexy in Anything I Wear

But I still indulged them. They wanted me to give them a bikini fashion show. So, I pulled about 30 bikinis or so and tried them all on for them in honor of International Bikini Day. But I could tell watching me parade around the pool turned them on. They all had tents in their swim trunks. And I enjoyed their reaction to me in various bikinis.

So, I decided to make them my personal judge for International Bikini Day. I let them decide which bikini of mine they liked the most. And they decided on my red, white and blue bikini for the win. However, it did not stay on this sexy mommy long because after they declared me the winner of their own International Bikini Day concert, we fucked in the pool. Although it seemed too hot to fuck outside, in the water made us feel cooler.

My boys pumped me full of cum and I kept my bikini on too. Eventually we took the fucking inside to my bed since it was almost 100 out. But we had a great day of fucking and bikini modeling. Perhaps, it will become an annual thing every International Bikini Day.

sexy mommy

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