Sexy Mommy MaryAnne Always Gets Her Man

sexy mommyDo you think I am a sexy mommy? My sons’ pals tell me often that I don’t look like most moms. I know I do not look like my mom did! But I enjoy the attention I get from schoolboys and neighborhood men alike. The other night, I went with my boys to a school function. Some of their friends invited them to see them in this school play.

Although, I never mind going to these school events with them, I often get stared down by other soccer moms. I am not a fan favorite among the local moms. But it is not my fault they don’t keep up their appearances. I’m not the bitchy type. However, I refuse to be a doormat either. So, if a bunch of jealous soccer moms want to play a game of mean girls, I am in.

Mature sexy women know how to get even. Two moms make things awkward for me. Always insulting my intelligence, insinuating that I am nothing more than a bimbo. I have not done anything to these women. But that all changed this week because I just got sick and tired of their insults.

Mature Hot Women Know How to Get Revenge

I seduced their husbands. Since I am divorced, I can fuck whomever I want. An although I did not really want either of these married men, I fucked them anyway. Not that night though. However, I did set the seeds in motion the night of the play. And my sons supported me. They do not like it when anyone acts bitchy to me.

Most men respond well to my attention. As well as their sons. So, when I slipped each man my card, I knew they would call. A hot woman offering free sex? Yeah, men take advantage of that. I fucked both men this week. And both needed fucked. I mean their balls felt backed up more than the freeway during rush hour.  Each man turned out to be nice and great in bed. I did not expect that. As much as I wanted to tell their bitch wives what I did, those nice men would be collateral damage in my quest for revenge. And like I said, I’m not the bitchy type.

My sons told me that I should just take comfort in the fact that I know I fucked them. And that every husband and son in the community thinks I am a hot milf. I think I will stick to fucking my family and avoiding the bitchy soccer moms. Revenge is not my strong suit. But mommy sex is.

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