Sexy Mommy MaryAnne

sexy mommySexy Mommy Maryanne is what my sons’ friends call me. I love it. Nice to know that young boys think of me as the hot mom. My middle son informed me recently that all their school friends want to hang out at our place because of me. According to them, no other mommy looks like me. I doubt that is true, but I bet few mommies dress like me. I love attention. So when my sons have friends over I am usually flaunting my big tits. This weekend when my youngest son had a sleepover for his birthday, I pranced around in a bikini. I love making little boys pop chubbies in their shorts. This past weekend, I created a lot of wood. It is always risky molesting young boys. I use to be more cautious, but young boys don’t tell their parents when a hot mom seduces them. They  brag to their friends, but they never tell authorities because they want to keep fucking the hot MILF. I drank a lot of wine over the weekend. I don’t need booze to molest my boys, but it helps me get in touch with my P side for those boys I don’t share DNA with. The truth is I love young boy cock. I still fuck a few age appropriate men but they don’t fuck me like a little boy does. The little ones rabbit fuck me. They cum often and a lot. They need little down time. And, they take direction very well. The little ones are eager to please. You can always tell a man who had a sexy MILF in his past because he knows how to eat pussy like he is being graded on it. I was a gangbang whore to my son’s little friends this weekend. Win win win situation. I got laid. Those boys became men. And my son became more popular at school.

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