Sexy Granny Victoria Enjoys Family Fun

sexy grannyI no longer struggle with being a sexy granny. In fact, I embrace my age. Since I had a late start to my phone job today, my son and daughter came over with my little angels. They both walk and talk now. I’ve enjoyed watching them grow. But they have many years of growing left. They appear too young still to understand that they are the product of incest, but we will tell them eventually that their mommy and daddy are brother and sister. So, their daddy is their uncle too.

Everyone seems happy. Sure, I worried about it initially. But everyone is happy and healthy. My son and daughter know they cannot get married. So, they date other people but still have incest sex too. And I am here for it all. This morning, my son and daughter and I fucked like we used to when we all lived together. The only difference now is the addition of two very young spectators.

My Grandson and Granddaughter Have Sibling Parents

Even though I put on a Disney film for them, they wanted to watch us. My granddaughter seems particularly curious about sex. She touches boobs and pussies and cocks, and giggles. She may take after her mother and be an early bloomer. My daughter seduced her brother. She convinced him to fuck her. And she has been wild ever since. High libido that one. Not sure where she got it from because I certainly was not a natural at sex. Her and her brother slowly turned me from a good boring Mormon wife and mother, into a mommy whore.

So, while my granddaughter watched and giggled, her parents and I fucked. She will be part of the family fucking soon enough. Her brother too. I have my eye on his cock. I think he will grow into a little stud before long. He’s not as interested in what granny does with his parents as his sister. But I predict the two of them will be as close if not closer than their sibling parents. We just love incest in our family.

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