This sexy granny had her granddaughter over the weekend. She is my youngest, but she is growing up quickly. Being a part of an incest family does that to young ones. She is a curious girl. I caught her looking at porn on the Internet. All girls and boys look at porn. I am not your typical grandma, so I was not upset even though she is young. She has only mastered the use of electronics this past year, so I was more like what took you so long, lol. She was not looking at what I would call normal porn. It was something called hentai porn. My generation had Fritz the Cat, the first X rated cartoon, but compared to hentai, Fritz looked like Garfield the cat. Not only was this cartoon porn, but it was fat girl cartoon porn too. I asked her why she was watching this instead of real porn. She said she happened upon it by accident but stopped to check it out because the cartoon woman reminded her of me. The cartoon naked woman had big boobs and was blonde. She appeared tall and she had amazing cock sucking skills. I was flattered. She thinks her granny is pretty. My grand girl is a tiny thing. She is skewed in her thinking because of our lifestyle. She did not see any girls that looked like her in the real porn so that is why she looked at the cartoon porn. I had to explain the age thing and the law to her, but I also told her many men like girls with her body type better than my body type. She has no boobies, short legs, no butt yet, and a hairless pussy. A body the opposite of mine. I wanted her to feel good about herself. Body image is important in young girls. I made a little home movie of her and called it a special porn for grandma. She was the star and one of my dildos was the co-star! I assured he she was a porn star in the eyes of her family and that is all that mattered.