Sexy Granny Samantha is an Incest Lifestyle Guru

sexy grannyI love being a sexy granny. I get to have all the fun. I never see my grand angels in their mood swings or temper tantrums, which all boys and girls have at some point in their lives. I get to see them on their best behavior. If they start acting up, I can send them home. But they rarely act up with me. The boys and the girls in this family are well behaved. My sons and daughters were the same way too. Hard to imagine, but very little discipline goes on in my family. Not because I am lax in that department, but because I have well behaved grand angels. I have a theory. I think it is because our incest sex lifestyle burns off that sexual energy young ones have and makes them happier beings. I am sure you can understand what I am talking about. When you are getting laid everything is right with the world. You feel euphoric. You never want to beat someone up or yell at anyone after you just came. You are a happier person when you have scratched that itch. I feel the same way. Post coital bliss applies to everyone, even the littles in the family. I think incest is good all around. My sons and daughters are all well-educated. They have good jobs and good relationships. No one feels our way of life is detrimental to them. I know what society says about incest and having sex with the littlest members of a family, and I am here to call bullshit. My family fucking lifestyle is healthy. It has created well-adjusted individuals. Sex is good for everyone. Do not listen to the bullshit. If you want to fuck mommy, fuck mommy. If you want to fuck your daughters, fuck your daughters. If you want to fuck your sister, fuck your sister. Life is too short not to have the best sex of your life.

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