“Sexy granny Bernadette did a little strip tease for her grandson last night.” that’s what I overheard my daughter telling her husband this morning. She sounded all bitchy about it too and I just can’t understand why! Was she jealous that her son wanted to play with me and not her? Was she mad because my body at 58 is still sexier than hers ever was? Oh well, who cares all I know is that I had a wonderful time fucking my little grandson and if she doesn’t like it that is just too damn bad for her! My grandson loved watching my little strip tease, it got his lil peepee rock hard in no time. He was begging to lick my pretty pussy too and I bet that made her mad as hell. I think he likes my juicy pussy way better than his mommy’s. I showed him how to fuck me too, he’s young and his cock is small but he sure gave it his all! I squirted all over him when his lil baby dickie came and it was just the best. I think my daughter is just jealous of the bond I have with him but she is just going to have to get over it!