Sexy Grandmas Love Young Boys

sexy grandmasSexy grandmas are all the rage these days. I was walking our new puppy at the dog park yesterday when I caught the eye of some young boys. A puppy works wonders on attracting the young ones. So is a nice rack with no bra. I know the puppy was just an excuse to come over and initiate a conversation. I was born at night, just not last night. We got to talking and as it turns out one of the boys goes to school with my middle grandson. When he realized I was Samantha, as in Zach’s sexy granny Sammy, his eyes got as big as the sky. Apparently, he has seen some pictures of me. My grandsons love to brag. You would too if your grandma looked like me. I invited the boys back to the house for some MILF and cookies. And a game I love called “Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine.” The boys were all excited to play that game too. The moment I mentioned it, little cocks came out of their shorts. A woman of my word, out came my boobs. Next I showed them my pussy. Clearly, they had never seen one not on a computer screen. I gave them an anatomy lesson. Boys are never too young to learn how to please a woman, right? It is an important life skill. Boys and men who can eat pussy can get out of trouble; just like girls and women who can give great head can have anything they want. I taught them how to eat pussy. After they completed their first lesson, I showed them how a cougar gives head. Boys never forget their first blowjob. I bet you still remember your first head experience? If it was an older woman, like myself, I bet she ruined you for girls your own age!

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