Sexy GILF Samantha

sexy gilfSexy GILF Samantha is what the school boys call me. I love it too. I was walking my granddaughter home from school yesterday, when a boy yelled my named. I turned around and flashed him my jugs. He fell off his bike. Oops. I didn’t mean to hurt the boy. My granddaughter played Florence Nightingale. She ran to his rescue. She insisted he come to our place so I could tend to his wounds. He skinned his knee pretty bad. I let him rest his head on my big tits as I poured alcohol on his scraped knee. As I was cleaning up his knee, he started sucking on my boob. He asked, after a while, “Where is the milk?” I had to explain to him I’m not a sexy mommy. Well, I am, but I am more of the sexy grandma type these days. I told him my boobs no longer get milk. He asked if he could still suck on them. “Of course, you can, honey,” I responded. My pussy was dripping wet. I love simulating breast feeding with my grand angels, so of course I enjoyed the neighbor boy sucking on my big udders. I wish they still carried milk, but I made that boy think that if he sucked hard and long enough, milk would magically appear. He sucked on my old tits like his life depended on it. His little pee pee was stiff as a board. He enjoyed sucking on my boobs as much as I enjoyed him sucking on them. My granddaughter is a trained family whore. She couldn’t help herself. When she sees a stiff dick on any guy, regardless of age, she takes it in her mouth. She knows a stiff dick needs relieved. She was the one that got some milk, boy milk. I love that she is trained so well.

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