School Fund Raiser

Mommy phone sex

My one Niece is in her school’s band and she was selling some sort of stupid candy stuff.  I’m all for supporting schools in any way that I can.  I told her that if she wanted I could do my own fundraiser and donate what ever I made instead of buying candy.  Her face lit up so brightly when I told her that.  She asked me what I was going to do, I told her not to worry about it.

We all know that sex sells.  It always has and always will, so I decided to text a few of the older boys I know about the fund raiser.  I decided that a glory hole would be the best way to get that money for my Niece.  A lot of the boys in the neighborhood have crushes on me, I know it, but one must be careful with whom one plays with, so I am extremely picky.  In the text I explained that there would be a special knock to use on my garage door, they were to wait until they heard me tell them to come in, then they were to walk up to the wall, stick their dick in the hole and they would get a pleasant surprise.  However, they would have to pass at least 20 dollars through the hole before we started or nothing would happen.  I also told them that this was all on the down low.  Nobody could find out about this, it would just be our secret.

I had everything set up, I was so excited.  There would be a plethora of young cock for me to suck on.  What could be better, I would be supporting my local school, and supporting my need for young dick.  A win win situation.  One by one those lovely dicks came through that hole.  Some of them came as soon as my lips touched the tip. Other’s lasted for a while then shot their loads on my face, tits, or down my throat.  I didn’t see faces but some of those cocks that I was tasting were really young, so young I was surprised!  I was wondering how they were able to have 20 dollars, I am thinking a lot parents are going to have some money missing from their wallets.

The turn out was much more than I had anticipated.  I had a lot of repeat donors.  By the end I had a hefty sum for my Niece.  When she came by a few days later for the money she was shocked and ever so happy.  I actually received a call from her Band Leader asking me if I would consider being a booster for their band since I did so well with my private fund raiser.  I haven’t decided yet for sure, but I am leaning toward it being a yes.


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