Saturday Night Fun

kinky phonesex peewee1I got the twins hooked on Peewee’s Playhouse. Mikey is running around acting like Pee Wee and it is so fucking cute. He wants to go buy a grey suit with a red tie. Michelle is doing the Pee Wee dance acting all goofy. We have pretty much decided that Saturdays are now officially Pee Wee Herman days around here and we are going to have Naughty Pee Wee’s Playhouse every Saturday from here on out. After all he did get in trouble for “exposing himself” in public. I was thinking that I could go to an adult theater and sneak the twins in dressed as Pee Wee while we all masturbate during the movie.Just like our friend Pee Wee did. I think we all would love it. Especially Mikey and Michelle! How cool would that be for all of us and for any one who might be at the movie as well? Maybe next Saturday that will be our field trip! Pee Wee Herman days are going to be so much fun! (in my best Pee Wee Herman voice)kinky phonesex peewee2

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