Returned to college from the holidays


We are finally back home again from all the Holiday fun we had at our parents house. But, no where as much fun as we have at our dorm together. We are not allowed to shower together or play with our toys when we are at home. Our parents would freak. Giggle…

The first night at home is always the most amazing one. We got home and did not make it past closing the front door before we  were both ripping each others clothes off, and sticking our tongues down each others throat. Within the first few minutes we were completely naked laying on the couch sucking and licking each other nipples,pussies juicy wet. Then I remembered the new toy we got on our way home.

It was a two headed 12 inch dildo so we could both fuck one another. We took turns putting it inside of each others pussies and fucking one another with it.

Then I laid Janet down on the bed and put my tongue right between her hot pussy lips and cleaned all that sweet cum off her pussy as she squirted more and more inside my mouth.


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