Putting My Foot Down

Kinky phone sexBeing a Nanny to small ones has been a lot more exhausting then what I thought it would be.  They are constantly, and I do mean CONSTANTLY under foot.  It actually started to get out of control, until I put my foot down.  Their Mother is a push over, she gives into what ever they want, it’s disgusting!  She left two days ago to spend two months in Croatia for work.  I was so fucking happy to see her leave.  The boy and the girl thought that things would stay the same. Oh hell no.

That very night the boy came into my room and told me that he didn’t think he had to go to bed.  I told him he was very much mistaken, that he had to get to bed because we had to leave early in the morning to be in Idaho by 8 a.m. to see his Grandmother.  He threw a god damned fit.  Just like a very small brat!  I grabbed him by his arm, yanked him off of the floor and smacked his ass a few times.  Not lightly either, I spanked that small ass HARD! 

Right after the last hard crack across his bottom, I heard a noise at the door.  It was the Father.  I thought, well great, now I’m going to be fired.  I put my hands on the boys shoulders and hissed at him, “You get your ass in bed right now, do you understand me?” He just nodded with huge tears in his eyes, and a hard on in his Jammie bottoms. 

After he walked past his Father I readied myself to get into an argument.  It didn’t turn out that way at all, the Father told me that he had wanted to do that for years, but he was afraid of what his wife would say.  I couldn’t believe it, the man is seriously pussy whipped.  I told him that I had to clean up the den but then I was going to bed, so if he could excuse me that I really needed to finish that because I was very tired and wanted to get it done. 

When I was straightening up, I knew that he was watching me from the living room.  I thought that maybe the best thing to make me feel better was to perhaps tease the Father a bit.  I spent a good amount of time bending over, pulling my dress up to reach behind furniture and the like.  I pretended that I didn’t know he was out there and I took off my dress and started to play with myself.  I came all over their expensive leather couch.  It felt amazing!  When I was done, I put my dress back on and made my way back upstairs.  I could hear the couch creaking in the living room and knew the Father was jerking off to what he had just seen and I began to smile again.

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