Princess on the playground

incest sex

My Princess came home crying from school this afternoon. I knew her little upset ass would need a little incest sex to feel better! When I asked her what was wrong she said some boy had pushed her down and pulled down her panties on the playground and everyone  saw her little cunny and ass. She said the Physical education teacher had laughed harder than all the other brats on the school yard. I know boys will be boys and I had a funny feeling that this teacher was laughing to cover up his lust for a sweet young girl. I should have gotten a call, and i think he jacked off and was feeling to guilty that my daughters sex and ass has made him horny.  I listened as well as I could and told her that I would call her P.E. teacher and see what I could do. I am not a “Karen” by any means, I know boys will be boys but my princess turned on her teacher and I wanted to explore this more.  Graciously he agreed to come over and have some sweet iced tea and let me know all the details of the playground incident. But he wasn’t prepared for my daughter to be dressed up slutty and answering the door. He wasn’t prepared for me in my panties and bra and thigh highs! I pulled in inside and asked if he was a P-men. He stuttered and seeing my princess he popped a tent bigger than shit. Well, it is his lucky day. Are you a man who fancies P–man and incest sex with a mommy like me? 

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