Play time with Daddy


Today my little one and I had some fun with my daddy. He stopped over to see visit for a little while and as we always do when daddy is over, we had a great time. My wee one and I had were playing a game of naked hide and seek under the cover and in walks my daddy. He is the one who taught me the game so of course he knew what we were doing. Daddy played naked hide and seek with us for a little bit but then he said let’s teach this little angel a new position. My little tike loves to learn so of course she got excited. Daddy had me lay down on the bed and put my legs as far back as I could. Of course with my belly getting bigger every day I could only get my legs so far back. Well my youngin did and she got her tiny little legs so far back that my daddy decided we should reward her. She was so happy after her reward that she passed out and slept all day. When she woke she asked when grandpa would be back to play again. To which I replied soon sweetie, soon. I can’t wait!


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