Perfect Pregnant Pussy

Pregnant pussy


I can’t speak for other girls, but my perfect pregnant pussy is fucking pristine!  I hear all kinds of horror stories from my friends about brutal blowouts and ass ripping episiotomies, but I don’t have anything like that to report back to them.  My pregnancies have all been smooth sailing and my craveable cunt is absolutely no worse for the wear.

Check me out from behind, you don’t see any beef curtains or pastrami flaps that weren’t there pre-pregnancy, do you?  No, my mound is exactly the same.  Moist and magnificent, ready to be sucked and fucked as always.  Hell, when you bend me over and take me from the rear you can barely even tell that I have a bun in the oven.  My belly never gets too big, the most I’ve gained when carrying any one of my tots was about 35 pounds.

I guess I just have the perfect genes for being pregnant, I don’t know.  I’m never going to bitch about any one of my pregnancies, I love everything involved with the whole process.  I don’t even go for the epidural because I find the feeling of going through the throws of labor to be quite pleasant.  I’m telling you, I’m made for this shit!

I’m not saying that I’m better than anybody else, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.  My strength just happens to be making, carrying and delivering a slew of salivating rugrats into the world without issue.  I might have a few stretch marks from it all, but I’ll take those over surgical scars on my abdomen or buttcheek, any day!


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