New Year’s Resolutions

Incest Phone Sex

Sucking more cock, easting more pussy, or fucking more often aren’t usually topics that end up on the list of New Year’s resolutions, but for some people it’s all they think about.  Abstinence is sometimes a resolution people try to make if they have an addiction to sex, but it’s not usually successful.  Just like any other resolution made, people try to fix everything all at once with the beginning of a fresh new year.  This concept always has the best of intentions, but if you are used to having a cock in your mouth every night then you will have a difficult time quitting all at once.

It’s like trying to quit smoking, all of which are oral fixations and very hard to quit all at once.   If you have a personality that causes you to easily become addicted to things then you need to slowly and carefully wean yourself off the things you are addicted to.  That’s where I come in, if you are addicted to sex or anything else I can spend the time talking to you about your addictions, and I will make it so much more fun to discuss the things that fuel your addiction.  Who knows, maybe your addiction is actually healthy, but you want a different way to express it.

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