OhmyGod, I haven’t gotten fucked in like two weeks. Legit, I am so horny. The issue with me being so turned on and not being able to get any really came to a HEAD because my Daddy went on a business trip and now I am stuck without him. Since I’ve also just gotten enrolled in summer school because my grades were so bad and I was messing around with guys during class, I am really in a bad mood about all of this. Like, what the hell am I supposed to do? So I did the only thing I could do–ordered a zillion sex toys online. No, I’m not kidding you. I got like a fucking billion vibrators, dildos, and even a butt plug that says “do me now” on it. So fucking kinky. I am just in such a bad mood. Literally. I really need some sex to cheer me up. Maybe I’ll go down the street and knock on Matthew Gordon’s door and ask him if he’d like to cum over and stick his dick in my holes. Preferably my ass, because I have a lot of pent up anxiety that could be released with a really nice ass fucking. Two weeks people. TWO WEEKS. I’d say “kill me now” in mock seriousness, but I really just want you to fuck me instead. Now I’ll just have to touch my cute little pussy here in the parking lot of Starbucks while I wait for my girlfriends to get their lattes. Thank Jesus for iPads seriously. But also, if you’re religious, please pray for me to get laid zippedy-quick. K thanks. Lori