Nana’s School Bus

grandma phonesex camilla2I decided since summer is over and the little ones are in school I would offer their parents to commute them back and forth to school. After all I explained the bus has no seat belts, it’s over crowded and there is so much bullying going on, the little ones would be better off with Nana Camilla taking them and picking them up.
All the parents I talked to thought it was a wonderful idea and the little ones were so excited to get started. This morning was our first trip together. I created a little song that we sing on the way to and on the way home from school.

The wheels on the bus say kiss a friend, kiss a friend, kiss a friend.
The wheels on the bus say kiss a friend all over town.
The wheels on the bus say touch a friend, touch a friend, touch a friend.
The wheels on the bus say touch a friend all over town.
The wheels on the bus say this is fun, this is fun, this is fun.
The wheels on the bus say this is fun all over town.

I can’t believe I didn’t think of this last year!

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