My Sister is an Incest Slut Too!

sister fucking

My mom thinks she is the only reason I’m a p-mommy skank but I got my incest loving from my dear sister! When we were younger we used to hide behind the fence and play with each other’s bald cunts when mom wasn’t looking. Hers was always so much tighter than mines so it was super fun sticking things in it. One time she let the neighbor boys stick their toy planes in her snatch while she gave them blowjobs. I watched as I vigorously played with my kitty in amazement! I’ll never forget the way her sexy young body looked with her skirt above her waist and a cock down her mouth. Boys would stick their turns sticking things inside of her while the others took turns filling her mouth with their cocks. Others enjoy lifting her shirt up and sucking on her rosebud nipples. Now that we are older she is on to bigger and better things but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like a little incest every once and a while ;)

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