My real daddy came home!

Incest sex BetsySo, for the longest time I had been searching for my real daddy. My real mommy took me and ran, changing my name and everything cause she didn’t like him very much. But, I found him! And we are so much alike! We laugh the same, eat the same, and have so many of the same interests…

I kept wondering just HOW alike we were. He is so tall, and handsome! He is build like a tall, sexy bear, and my curiosity kept growing. Every night, I had my fingers deep in my pussy, imagining what is naked body looked like. Was his cock as big and intimidating as the rest of him?

So I experimented. I’m normally somewhat of a nudist at home, anyway. So, the other morning, I left my bedroom in nothing but my pajama shorts. My perky tits were topped with rock-hard, excited nipples, and damn if they didn’t look amazing!

Sure enough, his jaw dropped, and his cock sprang into action immediately!

So far, daddy’s cock tastes like a fine candy, and his tongue must be made of electricity, the way orgasms shoot through my body when he licks my pretty little pussy!

I’ll update you on how tonight’s adventures go. Do you think I can get him to cum in me? Where?

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