My New Little Sissy Sister!

Kinky phone sex

What do you do when you catch your brother staring at your Mom’s cleavage? Hmm…well obviously force him to become your little sister instead! You see my brother Ryan sure does like to act like he is a big man but I SAW him with my own eyes staring down Mommy’s shirt. But it was more like he was trying to take a peek at her bra in hopes he would one day sport one of his own. Hehe! I know we are ruthless. Well I called him right out on it, Mommy was appalled and he couldn’t lie to her. I told Mommy we had to dress him up so he could feel like a real sissy! I mean, a sissy sister! Haha! We had the perfect matching set in all pink – Victoria Secret silk and lace. Matching panties to cover his little clitterdick, a perfect push up bra and some sexy stockings. He was looking more and more like a she! My perfect sister to be, all he needed was a new name. Rebecca is the name I picked and she loved it! It made Mommy and I laugh and laugh, because we were far from done.

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