Mother Knows Best

pinSometimes Inez really pushes my buttons! Now, don’t get me wrong, for the most part she is a really good girl but yesterday… ugh yesterday was the worst! She woke up in a horrible mood and it didn’t matter what I did to cheer her up, nothing worked. She was being really mouthy with me and I was trying very hard to be patient but when I asked her to put her dishes in the sink and pick up her crap she’d been leaving around all day, she screamed at me. She fucking screamed at me, and not only screamed at me, she called me a bitch! Can you believe that shit? I snapped, that was the last straw, there was no way I was going to allow my own daughter to blatantly disrespect me like that! I slapped her face hard enough to knock her down and then dragged her to the bedroom where I pulled her across my lap. I ripped her panties off her and paddled her bare ass until my arm was tired and her ass was fire engine red. I’m pretty sure she’s learned her lesson too, because she apologized and went to clean up her mess. But now I’m all excited from spanking her like that so I may just have to interrupt her chores so she can take care of Mommy…

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