Mommy’s Girl Had A Accident

MadisonYesterday morning I got up to take Morgan out to show her how to parallel park. When all of the sudden she was backing up into the parking spot she hit the car behind her. I was so upset with my baby girl, she jumped out of the car trying to look at it. I told her don’t worry no one sees it and it does not look like their is any damage so we could just drive off. As I was sitting down I notice Morgans body being pressed up against the car. I got out to see what was happening and see a police officer making her lean up against the car asking her if she had been drinking and driving. When I got over to the other side of the car I heard him asking her if she had anything on her that would poke him. My silly girl answered him by saying no baby but you have something that could poke me all day as she pushed her butt out closer to him. I told him he needed to leave her alone. He said that she was the one that hit his car that is when I noticed it was a unmarked police car. He said so this can happen two ways either we can work something out between just us or I can give you a ticket for leaving the scene. Of course Morgan being the little slut that she is she said Mommy let’s work something out with him cause he has something hard that can poke me and I like that Mommy. My little girl is such a naughty little slut. He gave us his number and told us that we better call him tomorrow or else we will be getting more than just poked and winked and walked away.


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