Mommy Sex Tradition

mommy sexThis might surprise you, but Morgan wanted mommy sex at a young age. She never wanted to fuck her daddy. She only had eyes for her mommy. Her daddy is not an attractive man. He is old; twenty years older than me and I am in my forties. He is fat and balding too. I know what you are thinking. Why would I marry a man like that when I am smoking hot? Why do you think Hugh Hefner got so many hot young live in wives? Money, honey. My husband is very wealthy. When we were younger, I had to fuck him per our marriage agreement, but now he can’t get it up anymore, so I am free to fuck whom I want. He tried to fuck his daughter, but when it was clear she didn’t want incest sex with her daddy, I intervened. Turned out our baby girl only wanted me. Daddy called her a dyke. I called her wise. She has been eating my pussy ever since. I love my baby girl. She is 18 now and in college, but we still have mommy and me time. We decorated the Christmas tree together last night, made some eggnog then fucked under the try. It is a holiday tradition for us. Maybe you want to join in on our family fun.

incest sex

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