Mommy Sex is the Ultimate Forbidden Pleasure

Mommy sex is an truly undeniable pleasure for many men. The craving for mommy is strong. In fact incestuous pleasures are a prime fixation and fascination for many sexual fantasies. 

Not all of the pleasures of incestuous mommy fucking are fantasies though. It’s a fact that women, mother’s have the same desires. Not all do, or are willing to give into them.

Mommy Sex is the Ultimate Forbidden Pleasure

However when it comes to a sexually open and aware woman she is less likely to deny her son pleasure. In fact I personally am very open to assisting my teen son with his needs. I have helped him jerk off many times while he was discovering his penis.  This is not only kinky phone sex but it’s real pleasure I offer.

Sometimes I have been the receiver of my sons incestuous penis and I absolutely love the kinky taboo of taking my sons dick inside of my mommy cunt. I have come to really enjoy fucking my teen son. 

Sometimes one may say I have molested my son and it was very wrong of me to touch him. All I can truly think is what right is it of them to tell me my way of mothering my son is wrong. In fact I will continue to fuck him and molest my daughters as well. They truly love their time with me and we love our kind of family fun.

So over the Christmas Holiday I had my daughters and sons all in bed with me at the hotel. I loved that I had a King suite and the bed was big enough for us all to just enjoy our time together. In fact Holidays are meant for enjoying family and for me that means incest sex pleasures for us all. My mommy cunt got so much fucking pleasure. 

Mommy Sex

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