Mommy Sex: How it Began

mommy sexBoys will want to have mommy sex if their mother looks like me. I am no super model, but I have big tits, meat on my bones and a wiliness to fuck anyone in my family. I was not doing phone sex when my sons and daughters were young. I was still married even if unhappily so. I was a stay at home mom with both husbands. After husband number two left us, I was in my 30s and I had 6 mouths to feed. Husband number one was paying support on 4 of my brood, but husband number two was a dead beat dad. I managed to get a receptionist job and support my family. We were not rolling in the dough, but we maintained our lifestyle and enjoyed life. My sons from marriage number one were getting older and horny. I was living under the same roof with two horny teen boys and a son still in diapers. Between work and motherhood, there was no time to date. My oldest son was jacking his cock nonstop. He kept telling me how beautiful I was and how he wanted to be my boyfriend. I thought he was just being a good son and trying to cheer mommy up. I was not the same woman then that I am now. I had incest sex in my background with my brother, but we were going through our development years together and I thought that was isolated. When I got married and started having little ones, I never saw myself molesting them. But then, I never saw myself twice divorced with no man to support me either. One night, after too much wine, my first-born son seduced me. The rest is history. I have been addicted to fucking my sons and daughters ever since. Now, I am a dirty grandma too. I was so lucky to have most of my family around when the world holed up for a few months. I would not know what to do if I did not have family fucking.

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