Mommy phone sex for the AB/DL.

mommy phone sex I guess you could call me nurturing.  I never had brats of my own so I needed a substitute. I’m now the adoring mama of many AB/DL and sissy boys. I remember well my very first sissy. He was a large man who craved mommy milk and TLC. Yet he considered himself just a small boy and I was his mommy. He’d fill his oversize diapers with poo-poo and I’d change him. He loved to nurse while I rocked him. It gave him a great big boner. He’d guide my hand into his diaper and I’d feel how hard he was. I’d stroke him until he blew a massive load into his disposable. By then, my mommy pussy would be soaking wet. I’d tell him that it was naptime. I’d take off all of my clothes and his. We’d lie down in bed and cuddle as his boy dick got hard again. He’d point at my tits and grunt. I’d motion him to climb up between my legs and suck a nipple. I’m such a naughty mommy. I used this to my advantage so I could slide his pee-pee right between my legs and let him hump. It felt so good on my clit. I needed more though so I’d guide him right into my soaking cunt. He loved the bouncy game so much. He’d happily bounce his cock in and out of me until his dickie exploded…and so did I!!!

I’m a full time mommy now with many clients who need a Mother’s Love. I love talking to men who miss mom and want to share those fantasies about her with me. Mommy was your very first GF and you lived for a flash of tits or a peek in the shower. Maybe you even wore her panties. Quit stroking that cock alone and come play with a mom who understands you and your needs. This mommy will never laugh at you. I’ll take good care of those shy boys who really want a new mommy. Hot roleplay awaits you.

mature sexy women

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