Mommy and slut Torture men

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 2 girl phone sex torture and pain is what we give our callers.  In a special treat my daughter and I got the opportunity to slay a man for the sheer pleasure of it. Sadistic and twisted is what he called us when he woke up on Satan’s crucifix in the dark soundproof dungeon. A block of wood connected to a platform much like a see-saw was before him. A bucket and a harness dangled from above. Just think of it as mommy hurts you and daughter giggles at every move you make trying to be set free. The injection of viagra has you hard and you will stay that way until you die. Lift up in the harness as the water starts to drip in the bucket. Once that bucket is full of water your body will be slammed down onto those sharp spikes. We hope you enjoy the last hardon you will ever have, Snuff phone sex executions all before sunrise!  Mommy and daughter take full advantage of that chemically hard fuckrod, suckinga dn riding you as you sweat over your imminent death!

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