Mature Sexy Women Enjoy Son Swapping Sometimes

mature sexy womenMature sexy women get hornier with age. For the longest time, I did not have any girlfriends. And that’s because all my female friends deserted me, including my sister, when I left the Mormon church. But none of those women had the wild streak I do. Not that I was the slut I am now back then, but I enjoyed sex and wanted more from my marriage than I was getting.

Over a decade ago, I met Deidra at a PTA thing when my daughter attended high school. She just finalized her divorce and lost most of her friends. Religion did not end her friendships. However, betrayal did. Her two closest girlfriends slept with her husband at some point in their marriage. We bonded. And I celebrated her divorce with her.

Later, I found out she fucked her teenage boy who graduated with my daughter. In fact, her son took my daughter to prom. Small world. When I met her, I did not yet know who her son was yet. And I did not have a clue she enjoyed mommy sex too. But when we found out about our shared love for incest, we decided to swap sons. Not all the time, but a couple times a month we swapped. And we both found it very arousing.

Mature Women Like Me Enjoy Son Swapping

So did our sons. Deidra has the curves I lack. My son enjoyed her big tits and big ass. And I enjoyed her son’s big dick. I still do sometimes even though he is almost 30. Our sons became best friends. My daughter just started dating her son. Back in high school they just had a friendship. But now they fuck like bunnies. And my bestie and her son know all about the hot sister fucking and family fun we all have.

And now, we enjoy mixed orgies sometimes. Deidra fucks my stepson, my son, my nephew and last night I watched her fuck my husband while my stepson and son fucked me. And her son fucked my daughter. It feels great to have a ride or die friend who you can share everything with!

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