Married Men

Incest Phone Sex

Married men are quite the complex topic don’t you think?  I love married men, single men, short men, tall men!  I think you get the point, I love men.  I am always asked if it’s ok to be with a married man, or how do I feel about a married man.  Well let me say this, I have a great fondness for married men, and I hope that every married man has the pleasure and benefit of going home every night to their wife and fuck the shit out of her.  Married people often forget how to communicate, and unfortunately sex is the first thing to get lost in translation.

If you’re married, single, have friends with benefits, or are in the arms of someone who will get you off then make sure to eat that pussy, suck that cock, and make them feel so good that they want to do it again and again.   If we all appreciate the body of the person next us then we will smile more often, and that creates positive energy for our day!

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