Life In The Trailer Park

Incest Phone SexLife in the trailer is interesting because all the women seem to hate me. This doesn’t make any sense to me, is all I want to do is really enjoy life, and to do this I want to have as many orgasms as one can possibly have in a lifetime. Last week I had some bitch neighbor at my door screaming at me because one of my brats told her he was hungry and asked if he could breast feed.  When she learned this, she was so angry because she breast feeds too and thought we should all be doing sleepovers from time to time. Once I was able to calm her down we sat down and talked and we agreed to let my little brats one night a week stay at her trailer and hers would stay with me one night each week. Well I did the first one this weekend at my house and woke up to 4 little mouths and 8 little hands all over my body, Those brats made a game of how many times they could make Mommy cum and let me tell it was more than I could count.  Life in a trailer park can be quite interesting and but lots of fun!

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